It’s not about being Batman, it’s about standing up & being there when it counts

It’s not about being Batman, it’s about standing up & being there when it counts

Pain & struggles are often hidden in plain sight

Often, it’s not till a conversation is had, you realise a friend who seemingly has things going for them could be having the hardest moment of their life. Many people carry around a large weight on their shoulders, amplified with expectations they feel others may have, only increasing its effects in time

We know to ask someone if everything’s ok if their body language, face or actions show us something may not be as normal, but what do we look for in those who appear to be coping or were oblivious to the uphill struggle they may be engaged in

I don’t think it’s about catching people, catching their weight or being ready to act in a crisis. It’s about being there before such actions are necessary. Being the friend, colleague &/or neighbour they have some comfort in confiding with, knowing they can rely on you to turn up, sit/walk/run/ride/stand by them

For years I carried around a weight on my back, not looking or wanting help. I hid from society, dodged events, made fun of my pain, to the extent I was numb to what others would receive it as. But when I was shown care, offered help & took it, my whole understanding & perspective changed

Don’t look for the obvious, be there as much as you can